
Hello, welcome to our learning home...


this blog will give you input about learning and learning styles...

a relatively permanent change in behavior, cognition, or affect that occurs as a result of one's interaction with the environment. click the link on the right to know more about Learning... 

Learning style
how individual choices made during the learning process affect what information is selected & how it is processed. 

our target audience are all individuals especially workers.

The objective of developing this blog are... 

1. to serve as an online educational tool for workers. 
2. to solve employee problem of not knowing their learning    style. 
3. to increase worker's awareness to the factors that shape and influence learning styles.  

Relation of this blog with Human Resource Development (HRD)

  • helps HRD professionals, supervisors and employees to identify and appreciate the number of different approaches to learning.
  • helps HRD professionals to create an environment that facilitates learning and design and implement more effective HRD programs. 
  • allow training and development, one of HRD activities or function to be tailored according to the workers preferences.

see more through the links on the right of this page...